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Hier gibt es Bilder und Dokumente von Exkursionen, vom Praktikum, vom Försterfest, aus der Fachschaft zu den einzelnen Studiengängen der Fakultät Für Forst und Umweltwissenschaften........ Wir freuen uns über Zusendungen!!!

Folder BSc Geographie
Folder BSc Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt
Folder MSc MEG
MSc Environmental Governance
Folder MSc FEM
MSc Forest Ecology and Management
Folder MSc SFLUM
MSc Sustainable Forestry and Land Use Managment
Folder Forstwissenschaft (Diplom)
Folder Geographie (Lehramt)
Folder Hydrologie (Diplom)
Folder Gradudate School ESGC
The Graduate School "Environment, Society and Global Change" (ESGC) Mankind is currently consuming the world’s resources at an unprecedented rate. The use of these resources places increasing pressure on ecosystems and changes our environment from local to global scales, for example through the harvesting of forests, the damning of rivers, or the burning of fossil fuels. Some environmental changes threaten our natural support systems and future developments may be associated with more risks. Therefore the sustainable use of resources and sustainable development of societies are amongst the most important goals in international, national, and regional governance approaches.
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« Mayo 2024 »